The Pokémon series might be known for catching 'em all, but since Pokémon Gold & Silver there has been just as much a focus on breeding as catching and training. This seemingly simple process has become deeper and deeper over the years, with breeding allowing for perfect stats, new moves, and a greater chance of being shiny.

This form of reproduction can be an exceptionally difficult task, and takes time and effort for even the most experienced trainers. Several people have joked about the challenges of breeding, and the complex mechanics it consists of in the games. These are some memes that express just how bizarre this particular part of Pokémon truly is.

10 Dangerous Egg Groups

It makes sense that Pokémon aren't capable of cross-breeding with every other species. Many of these can interrupt with the lore, with Corsola being a literal lunch for Toxapex yet still being able to breed.

Opposites attract, but this is probably a bit too far. The image of these two in the daycare putting aside their natural opposition seems unlikely. On the other hand, their ability to put their natural differences aside when a trainer truly needs is perhaps the sign of these being problems that only exist in the wild.

9 Bizarre Breeding Partners

When you joke about Pokémon egg groups being odd mismatches, one of the go-to comical pairs is the enormous Wailord and the adorable Skitty. There are far more concerns to be had than size, as this comic proves that Muk and Rotom make for an exceptionally more discomforting couple.

Any Pokémon breeding with Muk is going to be a little disgusting, but to be something that small needing to handle that much toxic goop only makes the process more discomforting. For the health and safety of your Pokémon, maybe stick to less mismatched partners.

8 Pursuing Perfection

Breeding the perfect competitive fighter can be a huge grind, no matter how much easier breeding has gotten in the past few Pokémon games. Much like this old episode of Spongebob, there's bound to be a lot of trash left behind in the process.

Thankfully this is growing to be a thing of the past, as Hyper Training and nature mint items have made breeding less necessary to dive into the world of ranked battles. If you do choose to take the long path, remember that perfection takes time. Be sure to make some room in your boxes before you start.

7 Push Notifications

Eggs in Pokémon Go are certainly a different grind from the mainline Pokémon games, but the bigger difference is that you aren't relying on a daycare in the same way. Instead, it's automated and ready to bother you on your smartphone's home screen the moment something comes up.

Pokémon hatching isn't a dire situation, but for the egg you've been walking several kilometers with, hearing that a baby is about to be born is undoubtedly one of the more shocking things to feel your phone buzz over.

6 Disappointing Eggs

Another one of the odd parts of Pokémon Go is that their eggs are fully random, not coming from proper breeding and instead coming as mysterious gifts. As a result, you won't always get something you want, but just as easily something that you can get anywhere.

When you get something common in any Pokémon game, it's fair to feel disappointed. Much like dealing with tons of Zubats in a walk through caves in Pokémon Red & Blue, sometimes you'll just encounter some trash.

5 Overpopulation

Artist RakkuGuy has given a great outlook into the unfortunate consequence of determined breeding. Boxes and boxes throughout things like Pokémon Home and Pokémon Bank are likely dedicated to these extras, if not your games normal boxes.

There are plenty of good ways to get rid of them through Mystery Trades and the newly returned GTS in Pokémon Home, but overpopulation is still an unfortunate consequence.

4 Helping Hands

Breeding Pokémon is a real effort that requires a lot of setup, the least of which being something to hatch your eggs faster. If this meme illustrates anything, it's that no matter how threatening it is, any Pokémon has a chance to end up doing more manual labor than battling. Artist BadaFra has shown us one of these loyal workers in action.

That said, holding eggs and hatching babies is far from the worst job to be stuck with. Newer Pokémon games have gotten rid of HMs like Fly, so we no longer have powerful creatures in our team solely to push rocks and cut trees.

3 Eggs Into Eggs

Some people will immediately chime in to let you know Exeggcute is a pile of seeds and not eggs, but it's still a tad unsettling to see little shelled creatures come out of another shell. The fact that its name has an "egg" in it certainly doesn't help.

Misunderstandings of Exeggcute aside, the fact that anything can come out of an egg is a bizarre fact of Pokémon biology.

2 Huge Babies

If you thought a pile of eggs was a weird thing to come out of an egg, John McDevitt and Scott Mitchell of Ready Soup greatly illustrate how frightening it would be to see something huge as a Tauros hatching. Much like watching a real cow come out of a tiny bird egg, this is a significantly more distressing outcome from the egg you've been keeping in your backpack.

Perhaps this is the reason that Pokémon hatching has a little cutscene under a spotlight. Always hold your hatching eggs from a distance, especially if you don't know what's inside.

1 Family Planning With Ditto

There are a lot of jokes to be had over Ditto's utilities in the daycare. From shiny hunting to competitive breeding, it's an important Pokémon for any trainer to have, and it's sure to be busy if you're determined to get something particular.

Thankfully, its reputation is too high for eggs to be a surprise to most trainers, so pregnancy tests like in this meme are not going to be greatly unexpected. In the least, let your Dittos rest every couple hours. There's no way this much breeding isn't exhausting.

NEXT: Pokémon: 10 Legendary Pokémon Memes That Are Too Hilarious For Words